Ab-solutely Strong

Get ready to unleash your inner powerhouse in this exhilarating 15-min workout! Grab a medium-weight dumbbell for these core-focused moves. This fun, fast-paced workout will leave you feeling like an unstoppable force of nature!

Well Rounded

Join Coach Kaisa for this booty-burner of a lower body workout, with some bonus mobility to get your hips feeling good. Grab a heavy dumbbell and a sturdy chair and get moving, Team!

Strength & S(ass)

Don’t be afraid to get sassy with this glute workout with Coach Kaisa. This 20-minute routine is fast and furious, building strength and power in your lower body.

Ab Ladder

Grab a pair of dumbbells & get ready to climb a ladder of ab-tastic, core-crushing moves with Coach Kaisa. Feel the burn as you row, rotate, and bicycle your way to a stronger core.

Peach Performance

Let’s get that peach popping! After a quick warmup, grab some medium-weight dumbbells for two booty-burning sets of moves, strengthening your core and upper body on the way.

Glutes on Fire

This intense workout will definitely leave your booty burning! You’ll also be working on your balance, increasing your power, and building strength through your whole lower body. Let’s get moving, Team!

Cheeky Strength

Step into your strength with this 20-minute strength and cardio workout with Coach Kaisa! We’ll slowly turn up the burn as we move three times through two circuits. This workout is high-energy but still focuses on form!