Mobility Recovery

(2 customer reviews)


If movement makes you feel good, recovery will make you feel better.

Can frequent mobility routines really make a difference? If you don’t love this after your first workout, email us and we’ll give you a full refund.
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Mobility Recovery Includes

Active, Restorative, and Targeted Routines
8 Workout Videos
40-min, 20-min, and 10-min Variations
English Subtitles
Lifetime Access
2 Reviews

Video Reviews

Mobility Recovery

Restore your body, alleviate stiffness, prevent injury, and get out of pain.

Prioritize recovery if your goals are the following:

  • Move more
  • Relieve pain and stiffness
  • Prevent injury
  • Train at a higher level
  • Maintain your movement routine without burnout
  • Stay mobile and flexible
  • Recover faster from current injuries

Are you looking to accomplish any of these? Mobility Recovery is your answer. A three-part recovery program that focuses on active recovery, restorative recovery, and targeted areas for your hip, back, knees, and shoulder.

Mobility Recovery includes:

Active Recovery
Perfect after an intense workout, or as a break in the middle of your week. This low-intensity movement increases blood flow, provides joint support, and promotes muscle healing.

Restorative Recovery
Great at the end of your movement week, or perfect before bed. We slow things down even more, hold moves a bit longer, and focus on our breath.

Targeted Recovery
Dealing with pain or stiffness in your hip, back, knee, or shoulder? These short, targeted routines are great to add into your week or before a workout.

Why Mobility Recovery?

Recovery is low-intensity movement that promotes blood flow to help your muscles recover quicker. If you are looking to improve your performance or relieve pain or stiffness, it is often more beneficial to take your body through a range of motion than take an entire day off between workouts, and mobility is the perfect way to do just that.

Mobility training helps to reduce any restrictions within the body by increasing your range of motion within each joint. The ability to move freely within your body not only helps you to FEEL your best, but it can help alleviate chronic pain, reduce injuries and improve overall performance.

Active Recovery

Quick Mobility One


Quick Mobility One

Short on time? This is the perfect total body routine when you need a quick warm-up before exercising, or just need some time to decompress. Use it as many times a week as you want! Your body will love you for it!


Full Mobility One


Full Mobility One

This is the Mobility One routine that started it all! I refined this routine and used it as my own secret weapon over the years to take care of myself. Perfect after an intense workout or a break in middle of your week.

Restorative Recovery

Quick Recovery One


Quick Recovery One

Short on time? It’s still important to get in recovery where you can, and this quick 15-minute routine is the perfect fit! I’ve modified the full routine to focus on a series of essential moves that will help restore your joints and muscles and leave you feeling great!


Full Recovery One


Full Recovery One

Are you ready to dive in and get all the wonderful benefits of this restorative routine? In just 38 minutes, we’ll target the major (and even not-so-major) joints and muscles that need some love to help prevent injury and increase your performance.

Targeted Recovery

Hip Recovery


Hip Recovery

If you sit at a desk all day or experience a lot of tightness in your back and hips, this routine will help open up your joints and muscles so you can move with absolute ease!


Back Recovery


Back Recovery

A strong and healthy back is critical to moving and feeling good! Use this routine to show a little TLC to your back to relieve any pain or stiffness you may be experiencing.


Knee Recovery


Knee Recovery

Strong knees come from mobile hips and ankles. In this routine we will focus on just that to relieve any pain you may be feeling in the knee joint.


Shoulder Recovery


Shoulder Recovery

These moves will help alleviate pain and improve your performance. Better range of motion in your shoulders means more flexibility in your arms, mid back, and neck.



Frequently Asked Questions:

What equipment do I need?
The only equipment we’ll use is a yoga mat.

Will this work for people with bad knees, hips, or back pain?
Mobility promotes joint resilience, and oftentimes, is exactly what our body needs to alleviate pain. This program incorporates active, restorative, and targeted recovery to minimize pain and improve performance. There are some positions in this program that may not feel comfortable to your body. These include deep squat/lunge positions and getting on your hands and knees. If your body is in need of a gentler program, check out our START Moving program!

What is the difference between this and Mobility One?
Mobility One is included in this Mobility Recovery program as your active recovery workout. If you already own Mobility One, you can get a discount on this product by signing in.

If I have specific injuries, am recovering from surgery, or in physical therapy, will I be able to do this?
Always check with your doctor and/or physio to make sure you’re cleared for exercise. If you have concerns about specific movements or positions, email us at and we can tell you more about any of our workouts.

Will this help me lose weight?
Honestly, we don’t focus on weight loss. All of our workout programs focus on enjoying movement and building up good routines, rather than trying to make our bodies look a certain way. Making positive changes to your daily habits and following a movement routine will always have its benefits, but we are unable to tell you how that strength will appear on your unique, wonderful body.

Is there a guarantee? What if this isn’t a fit for me?
If this program is not the right fit for you, please email us at and tell us you want your money back. We’ll happily suggest a different program or refund you.

2 Reviews for Mobility Recovery

“This targeted recovery program is awesome! You can utilize it just like Mobility One for waking up the body first thing in the morning, loosening up before a workout, or winding down before bed. I love the various mobility routines because they are intentional, each created to help you to choose and focus in on one part of the body and for a reasonable amount of time. I never feel overwhelmed by the moves or times it takes, it’s always doable and desired! The moves are truly thought through and targeted to help recover, working out stiffness and kinks. It never fails to make me feel ready to tackle anything!”

— Lacey C.

“I just did this Full Recovery One because i had a muscle strain from PT 2 day's ago. And now I'm feeling better. My muscles woke up en no more pain. Feeling young again!🤣 The best present you can give to yourself is moving every day and doing it with help from Kaia and her friends is 'the cake' or 'the sun' or 'the cherry on the cake'. 😊😄😘”

— Renate B.